Here, B'dah is less than a minute old, she had good lungs and after a quick dry with a towel, she was gorgeous and got to lay on my tummy and chest for about 45 minutes. It took us about an hour and half to name her. Dad was still pulling for "Abigail" and I was still thinking we'd probably name her "Ainsley", but without an actual name picked out we had to discuss and improvise and we both thought Alison (with one L!) was the perfect match. A nice Irish/Scottish name to compliment her sister's name.

Here she is at about 45 minutes old, enjoying the heat from the baby toaster as she gets all her official bracelets.
And here's her first photo with mom and grandma....
And getting to know dad for the first time.
Riley has been calling her "B'dah" or "Abadah" since before she was born, she still loves to point to her and kiss her while bellowing "B'dah!".