When Alison was overdue, I was taking advantage of a luxury that was about to end: sleeping in. I rolled out of bed, late and groggy, on October 26 and found Riley and Matt in the bathroom. He was helping her spell words with the bath magnets in the tub. Matt had written "Big Sister Soon?" but Riley changed two letters and the message on the bath tiles was "Big Sister Soup".

Since then Riley has relished her role as "Big Sister Soup". Who wouldn't want their very own baby doll? A baby who can be rolled around, flopped into your arms and whose face and head you can mush, mold and smother with kisses and finger pokes.
Ahhh, the life of a little sister. It's not easy and it requires so much patience.
Ali, I'm hoping that one day she'll dispense great advice and be your best friend! Until then, we are trying to watch out for you, good luck baby girl!