September 1, 2011

Hey, you two, stop it right NOW

Oh my. I had one, not-so-lofty, goal for the evening: getting one decent photo of the girls, to send to my grandparents.

Did I accomplish that? Well, sort of, but not without a lot of heartache and headache.

Something about a 10-month-old and a 2.7-year-old, just do NOT mix well. Suddenly everyone has her own agenda, her own toys, her own mode of getting around.

Hey, girls, break it up right now, I will put you on timeout so fast, but please a picture first. Please.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I'm glad you told the truth about the session--wasn't a case of "just sit and look purrdy"; they were both so tired and contrary! And one of them took off on a broom, as I recall. Oh, OK, Ri wasn't that bad, but she truly did grab a broom and start sweeping the sidewalk! Seems funnier now than at the time!